Monday, July 16, 2007


There are Six Limbs to Astrology, just as there are Six Vedangas for the Vedas. Prashna Marga, a text on horary astrology, lists them as shown in Table below. Prashna Marga states that one conversant with all six branches of astrology will never err in predictions – a tall order! Such an astrologer is a true daivajna (roughly, ‘a knower of God’s intention’). Jyotishis of this quality still exist but are very rare, even in India.

The Six Limbs of Astrology:
Gola Spherical astronomy and direct observations; observational
Ganita Astronomical and astrological calculations
Jataka Birth or natal astrology
Prashna Answering questions without the use of a natal horoscope; horary
Muhurta Choosing astrologically auspicious beginnings for any endeavor;
electional astrology
Nimitta Interpretation of omens

A thorough understanding and interpretation of omens requires one’s intuition to be in full bloom. It is nearly impossible to do this without direct instruction from a skilled omenologist, thus making Nimitta the Jyotish limb most dependent on the oral tradition.

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