Monday, June 7, 2010

Donation -Best Remedy for your problems

Donation has always been held in high esteem in the scheme of pious deeds. Since times immemorial, the virtues of donation, alms or charity have been greatly extolled. Be it any race, culture or religion it has always been preached by the sages and practiced by men as one of the noblest deed. Religious scriptures are replete with stories and anecdotes of how the persons in olden times donated according to their capability and reaped the benefits of divine blessings, not only in the same birth but future births too. Daan was an essential ritual associated with every ceremony, from birth to death. In holy books of other religions too, viz. quran and Bible, persons are exhorted to make donations to get the blessings of Almighty. To some extent this serves to work towards the aim of equitable distribution of wealth in society. Those who have give to others and thus help to bridge the gap between haves and have-nots.

In the present era of Kali (Kaliyug), Daan or donation has been particularly acclaimed.

Every religious literature has mentioned about and commended Daan. In Kaumrika khand of Skand Puran it is referred to as below:

i.e. only ignorant does not donate with the fear of poverty, while the intelligent does not hesitate in donating to beget the fruits of happiness for many births.

i.e. those who do not donate in spite of being wealthy should be drowned in water by tying a huge boulder in their neck.

The persons who donate liberally are favoured by God. Such persons are highly glorified to the extent that they have been identified as one of the protectors of earth.

i.e. the existence of earth is due to-cows, Brahmin, sati, veracious, greedless and charitable persons, these seven are holding the earth.

In various religious ceremonies, several rites and even visits to holy place, everywhere the import of Daan has been accepted by one and all. No ceremony or yagya is complete without alms to the priest or Brahmin. Those acts or ceremonies are acclaimed as fruitful where liberal donations are given to Brahmins.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Use of Gems For Marital Happiness

In modern are many marriage are problematic and troublesome. There are obstacles in the settlement of a few marriages due to adverse planetary influences. It is believed that Venus is the significator of marriage for males where as Mars and Sun signify marriage for females. If there planets are afflicted due to negative aspect, placement of conjunction, the marriages will be delayed, denied or obstructed. Due to adverse planetary vibration marriages are either broken or one faces the tragedy of loss of life partner. Stones do play a benefic role in prevention of obstacles and problems in marriage. The horoscope should be examined carefully before suggesting any remedial gem. It is found that Coral (Moonga) is generally suggested to mangle girls. This is highly objectionable and harmful as well. If Mars occupies the 8th house, wearing of Moonga or Coral will further intensify caused by Mars. It must be very carefully noted gemstones enhance the strength of the concerning planet. It is a wrong impression among many astrologers that gemstone makes the planet. It is believed that by wearing gemstone of even adversely placed planet the negative effect and problems that planet disappear and that planet starts behaving in a favourable direction. In many books on “GEMS” it has been suggested like that and we strongly object such a wrong way of prescribing gemstone. If Rahu is placed in that 5th house, the prescription of gomed (Hassonite) will further intensify the adcerse results of Rahu in the 5th house. This should be understood in the same way for all other planets and their concerning gem. If Sun is placed in the 4th house and is aspected by Saturn or is conjoined with Rahu or Ketu, wearing of stone for Rahu will expedite. If Venus is afflicted in the 7th house due to conjunction of Rahu, Mars, Moon the Sun or Saturn, one will be highly benefited lead a life of conjugal bliss provided he wears the Diamond or its substitute Opal. The auspicious results will further be multiplied in regard to children, wealth, profession, property, comfort, luxury, happiness and fame addition to conjugal bliss, if the ascendant is Aquarius or Capricorn where Venus happens to be a Yogakaarka.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Mercury and Venus are situated between the Earth and the Sun and are called the minor, interior or inferior planets; Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are situated far away from the Earth. Their orbits are outside the Earth’s orbit. They are called outer, or superior planets are different from the inner and outer solar system explained earlier. It should be clearly understood that Venus and Mercury are called as inferior planets because of their smaller distance from the Sun than the outer planets and not for any other reason. Similarly the outer planets are said to be superior only because of their large distances from the Sun.